Alternative Development theories for Local Development! In the course of development of developmental theories the mainstream development theories, such as growth oriented theories and others, have been severely criticised. Gradually, alternative development theories have emerged to avoid the weakness of the earlier theories. The alternative approaches and their methodologies have emerged as development paradigm indicating […]

Alternative Development theories for Local Development
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Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology (Useful Notes)
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This article provides information about the Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology: Literally, phenomenology is the study of phenomena; appearances of thing or things as they appear in our experience or the ways we experience things. Phenomenology studies various experience as experienced from the subjective or the first person point of view. (more…)

Human Development: Evaluation of Human Development Approach
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This article provides information about the evaluation of human development approach: The human development covers many dimensions of well being but for the purpose of focus and measurability and comparability the Human Development Report team had focused on three important elements of human development; life expectancy or longevity, access to knowledge or literacy and standard […]