This essay provides information about the human development ! The notion of human development essentially addresses the human in development — all those elements which make a person human not only in terms of what she/he needs for basic survival such as food, clothing or shelter, health, etc., but a sense of dignity, what Adam […]

Essay on Human Development
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Development: Criticism of Growth Oriented Theories of Development
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This article provides information about the criticism of growth oriented theories of development: In some of these theories, especially Rostow’s, the assumption that underdeveloped countries have no history of development, since they are still at the first stage of being a “traditional society”, is a historical proposition. (more…)

Antecedents of Human Development in the Growth Models of Economic Development
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This article provides information about the antecedents of human development in the growth models of economic development: “Economic development” or “development” is a term that economists, politicians, policy-makers, academics and lay people have used widely, so much so that it became a household term in late 20th century. The concept, however, has been in existence […]